From Ground Zero to Gym Owner in 12 Months Ebook

From Ground Zero to Gym Owner in 12 Months Ebook
  • From Ground Zero to Gym Owner in 12 Months Ebook

Regular price $ 87 now $ 47

What if you could open your dream gym in the next 12 months?

Do you think it's possible?

What if I answered every question you had so you'd feel like you've owned a gym for the last decade?

What if I told you how I could make it no riskier than buying a Kia Sorento? 

What if I gave you the formula we use to find the perfect location for a gym?

What if I told you that you only had to have $20,000 down and the bank will loan you the rest as long as you have decent credit?

You are the reason why I wrote this book.

I know you have questions. I know you have concerns. I know you have fears. Over the last 10 years, I've met too many people just like yourself- people who are passionate about fitness and helping others but are waiting.... And waiting.. And waiting until it's too late, and they have a life of regret- What if I would have followed my passion and opened a gym? 

This book is 10 years of testing, tweaking, systemizing, and then replicating a gym model that is the last blue ocean left in the fitness industry. Ten years of mistakes and successes condensed down into a step-by-step guide detailing how to open a HomeTown twenty-four-hour gym in 12 months or less. This is the exact blueprint we use today to search for, evaluate, and open our gyms.   

Over 100 pages. 30,000 words. 18 Chapters. 

Table of Contents 

Chapter 1 - Introduction 

Chapter 2 - The Why Comes Before the What
    • The one story you have to read before opening your gym, especially if you have doubts if it's the right move for you.  

Chapter 3 - The Means to an End
  • How to calculate your Money Happiness Break-Even Point so you can set realistic goals for your gym and avoid disappointment, according to science and..... Tony Robbins. 
  • Why you'll need more than just financial freedom from your gym, and how to build a gym that guarantees you'll make money and find fulfillment. 

Chapter 4 - Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
  • The crucial questions you have to ask yourself before you invest $100,000 in a gym. 

Chapter 5 - Small Town U.S.A
  • The Formula We Use to Find the Small Town Just Waiting To Have a Gym  

Chapter 6 - Small Town Economics
  • A crash course in small-town economics. and how a gym in a town of just 3,200 people can turn a  $50,000 profit. 
  • The financial metric that's more important than revenue in a small market. 

Chapter 7 - Small Town Living
  • The Story of Charlie Morgan

Chapter 8 -  A HomeTown Gym
  • A complete inside look at a HomeTown Gym - size, staffing, equipment needs, classes, services, and more
  • Learn how to buy a $10,000 treadmill for $1,500.

Chapter 9 - The Business Plan
  • The one little mind hack that turns writing a business plan from a boring, tedious task into a life-saving guide that will save you during the stressful times ahead. 

Chapter 10 - The Bank Loan
  • How to turn the tables on the banker and put her in the hot seat so you aren't so nervous. 
  • The ONE thing you should not do after hearing the word NO, and the exact questions you need to ask to turn that no into a yes. 

Chapter 11 - The location
  • How you can save thousands of dollars during your first year by talking to more than just the local realtor. 
  • The 3 main renovations you'll need to make so your gym is ready in time. 

Chapter 12 - The Legal Stuff
  • The 3 legal documents you must have before you get a loan or sign a lease and how to get them.
  • One quick hack to save thousands of dollars on your lawyer costs

Chapter 13 - Meetings and Money
  • The checklist that shows you exactly what needs to be done in what order so you're ready for your grand opening. 

Chapter 14 - The Spending Spree Part I
  • The exact list of things you'll need before you purchase the equipment.

Chapter 15 - The Spending Spree Part II
  • A list of every single piece of equipment you'll need, and a few secrets on how to save more than $20,000 on your startup costs.

Chapter 16 - The Spending Spree Part III
  • A list of things new gym owners don't think about until it's too late. 

Chapter 17 - The Grand Opening
  • A complete step-by-step guide on a week-long grand opening that gets you to your break-even point without spending more than $500. 

Chapter 18 - The Next Chapter
This is the last blue ocean of the fitness industry. As an accountant, I had little fitness experience. But, with T.J.'s help, I opened a small, twenty-four-hour gym and we're celebrating our 3rd successful year. - Austin Peterson, Ageless Fitness - Staunton

Note: This is an ebook. A link to download the book will be on the Order Confirmation page after your purchase. We will also email you a link to download the book just in case you exit from your browser too soon. 


For a limited time, I'm offering you:


1.The Ebook From Ground Zero to Gym Owner in 12 Months that walks you through the step-by-step process of opening a twenty-four-hour HomeTown Gym. 

    2. The email address of my banker who is very familiar with the HomeTown Gym model and will be more than happy to help you with financing. 

    3. A list of every equipment manufacturer we've used over the last ten years so you can start pricing your gym right now. 

    4. A 30-minute phone call with me. I'll answer any question you have, discuss potential locations, or just argue about squat depth. It's up to you.

      For a limited time only, you get all of that for just $47. That's it. 

      How long is this going to last? I honestly don't know. It could be a few days or a few months. It all depends on my schedule. If it gets too busy, I'll have to remove the 30-minute phone call.