Start a Profitable Gym with Money You Have AND Keep Your Day Job
You’re successful at your “9-5” job and make good money. But still...something is missing. Like many people passionate about fitness, you’ve thought about opening a gym.
But you still have a day job and perhaps a family to feed or monthly bills. You’re not ready to throw everything away for something that might not work. If only there were a way to scratch your entrepreneurial itch AND keep your career.
Luckily there is.
My name is T.J. I'm a full-time pharmacist, father, and owner of three successful gyms.
I’m going to show you how to:
- Open a gym, with minimal risk and with money that you already have. Franchises can cost $200,000 or more and lock you into 5-10 year commitments, even if your gym fails. This won't.
- Keep your day job. You'll only need 10 hours/week or less to run a gym. Currently, I'm spending 3 hours per week on my 3 gyms and still working as a pharmacist.
- Turn a reliable, healthy profit year in and year out, even among stiff competition like Planet Fitness. What you do with that profit is up to you. If you're like me, you'll take an extra vacation or two each year. Or, you could start taking every Friday off from your full-time job, giving you a three day weekend every week without taking a cut in pay. Or, you could save that profit for a rainy day, giving you the security you need so you don't feel so dependent on your full-time job. Or, if you're really smart, you'll use it to invest in other businesses and build a small empire, giving you complete freedom from your 9-5.
Sounds great, right? But, it seems daunting. Should you franchise? How much do you need saved up? Where do you even begin?
These are all questions I had when I started. Now, 10 years and three profitable gyms later, I know the ins and outs of opening and growing a profitable gym while keeping your full-time job...and I’m here to help you start, operate, and grow your gym.
How I Started Three Profitable Gyms as a Full-time Pharmacist
Being a self-described fitness dork, I always believed I could scratch the entrepreneurial itch by opening a gym. It always sounded like fun, but I wasn't for sure I could make money from it. I didn't want just a hobby. I also wanted a profitable business, and preferably one that didn't add to my already full-time schedule at the pharmacy.
So, I looked into franchising, and spent a lot of time analyzing gym franchises like Snap Fitness and OrangeTheory.
Luckily, part of of running a pharmacy means being able to understand the numbers, and they didn’t make sense:
- Franchises can cost upwards of $200k. Even if you make good money, you’ll still likely need a loan from the bank, who will want to own a large stake of equity in your gym. The big down payment, the high recurring monthly fees, and high net worth requirement were just too much.
- Large gyms lock you into 5-10 year commitments, even if your gym isn’t profitable. Having a family, I still wanted to mitigate my risk. When you franchise, you could easily lose $100k in 12 months. And worse yet, you can be locked into a long-term commitment even though you can barely keep your doors open. The legal fees alone would cost you over $10,000 just to try to get out of your contract.
- Franchises have little freedom, and you’re essentially just running a gym for someone else--that’s not being your own boss at all. I wanted to start something that's truly mine. Although I wanted help starting and running my gym, I didn't want it at the expense of having little control over the business.
Luckily, running a pharmacy that pulls in 2-million annually per year, I knew a thing or two about numbers, so I created a gym model that worked for me and will work for anyone.
Ten years later, I run three gyms. All with different models. All profitable.
A look at the annual revenue of one of my gyms.
Here's a quick look at my gyms:
- Ageless is a 24 Hour Gym located in a small, rural town in Illinois.
- Iron Orchid is a small, high-end personal training-only studio located in a suburb of St. Louis.
- Flow is a pay-per-class spin studio also located in a suburb of St. Louis.
Our Model – The Hometown Hybrid Gym
Membership numbers see an increase year over year
We engineered a model that takes the best part of personal training studios and 24-hour gym franchises.
Best of all, it can compete with those franchises and carries much less financial risk.
The secret is our 4-ingredient “secret sauce”:
- A Financial Engine that includes an automated stream of revenue that pays the bills, puts profit in your pocket, and is independent of your time. In addition, it can be fully customized to your market so you can create specialty revenue sources that are unique to you and your community.
- A Marketing Web that attracts the right members without spending your hard-earned cash, as well as creates a referral engine that constantly brings in new leads for free.
- A Contagious Atmosphere that builds a community of raving fans and friends and makes going to work seem like a dream.
- An Optimized System that can be run efficiently, minimizing expenses and overhead while maximizing profits. It gives you the freedom you can't get in your regular 9-5 job. And it can all be run with less than 10 hours per week, allowing you to keep your full-time job.
Our model gives you everything you want - freedom, financial independence, and fun. You're the owner. You make the rules. You make the money. You make the difference.
The Hometown Hybrid Gym is like an asset...think of purchasing an affordable goose that reliably lays golden eggs. It takes some caring, sure, but you can still always step away and make money.
Order the book today for only $47
Benefits of Working with Me To Start Your Gym
You can open your own gym and you don't need a $250,000 net worth or $100,000 in liquid assets. No business or fitness experience required either. All you need is a passion for helping people and a willingness to learn.
Here’s what you get when working with us:
- The Ebook From Ground Zero to Gym Owner in 12 Months that walks you through the step-by-step process of opening a twenty-four-hour HomeTown Gym.
- The email address of my banker who is very familiar with the HomeTown Gym model and will be more than happy to help you with financing.
- A list of every equipment manufacturer we've used over the last ten years so you can start pricing your gym right now at the lowest prices on the internet.
- A 30-minute phone call with me. I'll answer any question you have, discuss potential locations, or just argue about squat depth. It's up to you.
Much like a franchise, it's a business-in-a-box BUT:
- It's cheaper - $20,000 down payment with overall costs less than $100,000 and NO monthly fee vs. the typical franchise startup fee of $50,000, overall costs of over $250,000, and a $550 monthly fee (along with 20 other hidden monthly fees)
- It's a shorter commitment - NO commitment vs. a typical 10 year commitment for most franchises.
- It gives you freedom - You're not locked into pricing, colors, or even a gym name. We give you the blueprint and you do with it what you want.
This book encompasses ten years of testing, tweaking, systemizing, and then replicating a gym model that is the last blue ocean left in the fitness industry. This is the exact blueprint we use today to search for, evaluate, and open our gyms.