Ageless Gillespie

This is Ageless in Gillespie... 



And so is this... 


And this.. 



This is our gym's promise...

We’re not a gym. We’re not a fitness center. We’re not a business. We’re a sanctuary for happiness. We’re a place where people from all walks of life come to feel young again. Exercise is just a boring synonym for play. What we do in our classes, what we do with our personal training, what we do with our equipment is essentially just child’s play. We’re one big playground for adults.

In short, we’re the fountain of youth. We help remind our members of the days of old, when youth blessed us with hope, belief, and change. Anything was possible then, and anything is still possible now. We remind them of the days when everything was much, much simpler. The smallest accomplishments resulted in the biggest smiles. Stress was as foreign to us as property taxes were. We were carefree, happy, and most importantly, living, not surviving. Maturity may have made some people forget, but we have not. For age is nothing but a number.

May you always love, laugh, learn, and lift.

This is our gym's history.... 

We formed our LLC in 2008 in a small, rural town in Illinois called Gillespie, our hometown. We bought a small, old 2000 square foot building on main street, added some paint and new flooring, and opened a gym. Two months later a tornado ripped off the roof of our gym, turning it into a condemned property. Acting quickly, we then leased a space further down the street in another old, small 2,000 square foot building, giving us time to contemplate our future. With less than a year's worth of experience and profit, we doubled down and built our current building, a 9,000 square foot 24 hour gym one block off main street on a former concrete plant. 

Now, almost 10 years later, it's been a bigger success, financially and emotionally, than we could have ever imagined - the impact we've made on the community, the goals we've seen our members accomplish, the friends we've made, the relationships we've deepened, the laughs we've shared, and the challenges we've overcome (and the almost 120 months of profit too). 

What started off as two friends tossing ideas around in a basement, one not wanting to work in a boring 9-5 and the other looking for a hobby and/or tax write-off, has turned into 10 year success story that hopefully continues to grow. 

This is how many members we currently have...

This is our current revenue... 

This is our hometown..... 

They told us not to build here. The town was too small, too poor, and lacked the means to support a gym.

 As you can see, you can't blame them for telling us that. We are a small town. We are surrounded by cows and cornfields. We're not the wealthiest, nor are we the biggest fitness fanatics. We're not an ideal location for a gym. 

This is why we've had almost 120 straight profitable months... 

We love our hometown. We enjoy the conveniences and intimacy of small town living. We enjoy the fact that we know our neighbors, our neighbor's neighbors, and even our neighbor's neighbor's neighbors. We see a familiar face everywhere we stop. 

It's that familiarity and intimacy that's made us a 10 year success story. We're a hometown gym.

We built an efficient business model that can withstand a small market. We're in communities where rent is cheap. We have a model that doesn't require expensive or extensive labor, yet is still open 24/7, 365 days per year. We reduced the expenses down to the bare minimum without affecting the quality of our service. Our revenue is mostly long-term contracts, allowing us to achieve a positive cash flow almost immediately as well as a steady profit. And most importantly, we've become part of the community, giving back when we can and reinvigorating a once sleepy, old town with little to do in the evenings.